
Selebgram and Buzzer Will Taxable Income

3,094 2016.10.13 13:30





Director General of Taxation Ken Dwijugiasteadi said people who use social media to profit categorized as a taxpayer. "If there is a profit, yes, taxable income," he said at the Parliament complex, on Wednesday evening, October 12, 2016.


Ken's statement answered questions related to the users of social media which are subject to income tax. Ken and confirmed that the owner of the store in the network (online) and principals' activities including product endorsements that category.

No exception, according to Ken, buzzer and selebgram in a number of social media, such as Instagram and Facebook. Rates are valid no different from the income tax rate that has been applied.


Source: https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/news/2016/10/13/087811852/selebgram-dan-buzzer-bakal-dikenai-pajak-penghasilan 

[이 게시물은 kfood님에 의해 2016-12-19 11:07:43 자카르타 협의체에서 복사 됨]

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